
Ryerson University

Computer Programming Applications Certificate, completed April, 2011.

  • Software Engineering Stream


Stars Technologies

(Richmond Hill, ON) 2014 – present
Senior Platform Architect

Lead architecture and development for the company’s next-generation web platform. The transition from a multitude of siloed AngularJS applications to the new TypeScript/React platform has allowed the engineering organization to be vastly more productive and has led to marked improvements in key business metrics due to dramatically improved user experience, reliability and performance. Key features include:

  • Full SSR support
  • Continuous testing with Cypress and Jest
  • Continuous delivery to AWS
  • Localization into 30 languages
  • Stream-oriented data transfer with RxJS and STOMP
  • Centralized state management with Redux
  • Template-driven, content-managed pages
  • Organization-wide shared components
  • Monitoring with Prometheus and ELK

Using React server-rendering fronted by a Varnish cache, we were able to achieve blazing-fast performance for over 100k concurrent users with a >95% cache hit rate. Our micro-service architecture uses RSocket for efficient stream-oriented communication between services and a fronting proxy. This design allows a single page to communicate with various services over a single physical connection. This architecture has been able to easily withstand the sudden and significant increase in traffic brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.


(Pickering, ON) 2012 – 2013
Senior Developer

Led the development of games for ES3’s DistracTV games network on the Microsoft Mediaroom IPTV platform using JavaScript and the Google Closure Library. Several titles have been successfully deployed to clients such as AT&T. Developed a new application framework using Google Closure Tools (with advanced optimizations) to allow platform-agnostic core JavaScript logic to be shared between multiple platform implementations, including Microsoft Mediaroom and HTML5 canvas, significantly streamlining ES3’s application development process. Conducted an overhaul of ES3’s Tumblebooks application written with HTML5 and jQuery for smooth parallax animations.

Intel Corporation

(San Francisco, CA) 2013
Development Consultant

Assisted Intel Media with proprietary WebGL software architecture and third-party application development for their OnCue IPTV service.

Bluenotion Inc.

(Toronto, ON) 2011 – 2012
Web Developer

Developed an internationalized wireless product platform for client Rogers Communications Inc. with Java, MySQL, AJAX, HTML5 and CSS3 using a bilateral MVC design pattern. This platform opened a new stream of revenue for Rogers, allowing them to offer flexible wireless campaigns on a streamlined, interactive purchase-flow. Conducted a total overhaul of a personalized insurance platform for client Manulife Financial Corporation using PHP, HTML5 and CSS3, resulting in a more efficient, standardized code base for ease of future use and expansion. Other responsibilities included:

  • Developed the dynamic front-end for a stand-alone online chat application for client Rogers Communications Inc. using JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Adhered to web best-practices when building landing pages to support numerous, high-visibility media campaigns for client Rogers Communications Inc. under very tight deadlines.
  • Outlined and proposed a stand-alone, internationalized catalogue and campaign management API for client Rogers Communications Inc. using REST and NoSQL.

Forus Group Inc.

(Toronto, ON) 2010 – 2011
Web Developer / Marketing Coordinator

Designed and developed a modern web presence for Forus Group Inc., an international purchase agent, using PHP, JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3 to create an elegant, interactive user interface. Enhanced and updated Forus’ Canadian web site network built in Joomla. Used Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator to create Forus’ Canadian brand identity, including an extensive product catalogue.

  • Supervised sales and leads management
  • Created company’s Canadian forms and contracts

Carson Woods Architects Limited

(Toronto, ON) 2007 – 2009
IT Manager / Administrator

Canadian Armed Forces

(Toronto, ON) 2007
Infantry Private

Entrepreneurial Experience

Hubble Media

(Toronto, ON) 2003 – 2007

Supervised the development, launch and administration of an extensive network of media web sites. Created original content with varying themes and tones targeted at various audiences. Expanded the custom CMS used for these web sites, made with PHP and MySQL. Initiated successful cross-continental digital and physical marketing campaigns to promote the network, which includes the following web sites:



Bash, CSS, English, JavaScript/ES.Next, LESS, NoSQL, PHP, Python, Russian, SQL, SVG, TypeScript, UML, Velocity, (X)HTML, XML, Zsh

Architecture & Design

Front-end Optimization, Enterprise Architecture, Functional Programming, Microservice Architecture, MVC, Needs Assessment, OOP, SCSS, SEO, Stream-Oriented Architecture, TDD, User Experience Design, Web Accessibility, Web Security

Applications & Frameworks

Adobe Creative Suite, AngularJS, AWS, Cypress, Git, Google SketchUp, Jasmine, Jenkins, Jest, JetBrains, Material UI, Kubernetes, Microsoft Office, Mocha, MongoDB, NodeJS, PostgreSQL, React, RSocket, Unreal Engine, VSCode